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From Agriculture and Oceans, to Intel and Security, and Sports Analytics, Beyond180's existing solutions cover a wide range of industries.

Harvesting Wheat



By blending and curating multi-source data, that creates a single-source-of-truth data lake at the field level, Beyond180 feeds AI algorithms and models that delivers actionable information to drive  efficiencies  and productivity gains to growers as well as delivering transparency and traceability across the whole food supply chain.


Ocean Hope Spots

Mission Blue's Ocean Hope Spots are special places that are critical to the health of the ocean — Earth’s blue heart.  Some Hope Spots are already formally protected, while others still need defined protection, but understanding these areas and managing them correctly is key to our ultimate survival.  


Security / Intel

B9: Common Operation Picture & Range Control Suite

Providing field operatives with  a unified map-based, collaboration environment (Common Operating Picture) that delivers fast and simple access to mission-critical information, decreasing response times and minimising the threat of harm to both the public and field operatives.


Sports Perfomance Analytics

Beyond180 brings together vast amounts of sport's footage and curates and delivers these data to build and train AI algorithms and models. We then deliver timely and objective information on team and individual player behaviours for both coaches and players to drive continual performance improvement.

Rugby Game
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